Driving rules vary from country to country - a few things that you might not have known!

Light up! Between November 1st and March 31st, you are required by law to switch on your lights when travelling on intercity roads.

Slow down! The Speed limit on local roads is 50 km/h (30 kn/h for mixed use roads), for interurban roads 80 km/h, for interurban roads with a divider, 90 km/h and on fast roads, 110 km/h. In all cases, where signposting indicates different speeds (higher and lower) the speed indicated on the signpost should be followed. The maximum speed on any road (certain sections of road 6) is 120 km/h.

Pay up! If caught speeding at up to 20 km/h above the speed limit, the fine is NIS 250, between 21 - 30 km/h above the speed limit the fine is NIS 750 and 8 points; 31 km/h  or more above the limit your license can be taken away on the spot for 30 days and 10 points.

Put the drink down! The legal alcohol limit is 50 milligrams of alcohol per 100 mililitres of blood (for new or professional drivers the limit is 10 milligrams of alcohol). This is in line with many European countries and is a lower limit than England and many US States. It is highly recommended not to drink at all if you are planning to drive. The punishment for refusing a breathalyser test is up to 1 year in prison or a fine of NIS 10,000.

Shut up! It is illegal to hold a mobile phone when driving. The fine, if caught is NIS 1000 and 4 points. Make sure to have a hands free kit ("diburit") fitted

Buckle up! All passengers in a car are required to wear a seat belt with the driver responsible for making sure that this is the case. The fine for driving with a passenger nor wearing a seat belt or a child not using the correct child seat is NIS 250 and 6 points. If the front seat passenger is not wearing a seat belt, both the driver and the passenger will pay a fine of NIS 250 with the passenger receiving 2 points.

Brighten up! If you need to get out of your vehicle on an inter-city route for any reason, the law requires that you wear a high visibility vest ('efod zoher") so that you are easily visible to passing drivers - make sure that your car is equipped appropriately and that the vest is easibly accessible.

If you have additional, useful tips, please add them in the comments below!



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10 Dec 2015 / 28 Kislev 5776 0