The 'New Anti-Semitism'

(C) reprinted with the permission of Haaretz Daily (English)

A new wave of anti-Semitism is sweeping Europe. In Britain, Anglo-Jewry's dream world has been jolted twice over: once by the intifada, and then by September 11. The left-liberal media are scathing in their criticism of Israel. Spokesman for Britain's two million-strong Muslim community are virulent in their attacks on the Jewish state and on its supporters. London's chattering classes are reportedly making uninhibitedly anti-Semitic remarks at dinner parties.

Across the Channel, meanwhile, a wave of Jew-hatred seems to be inundating France, eliciting grave concern in the 600,000-strong Jewish community there. Synagogues have been fire-bombed, schools have been attacked and individuals have been cursed and harassed on the street.

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The New Antisemitism
The New Antisemitism A series of articles reprinted with the permission of Haaretz Daily ©
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