The Proud Delegations - LGBTQ Delegations

The Proud Delegations project recognizes the unique connection between two communities: the Gay Jewish population in Beer Sheva and Montreal. Constructing a support system based on a shared Jewish heritage is a cornerstone for the Jewish Agency. As a minority within a minority, Jewish LGBTQ individuals also share a unique culture, and we believe it can build a bridge between various Jewish communities in Montreal and Beer Sheva, and encourage dialogs and corporations. Our primary goal is to promote and enable networking to establish new and heterogenic cultural spheres, based on the strong belief that culture can change existing realities and create new ones. The project will be conducted in two sessions: in August 2018 an Israeli delegation to Canada during Montreal's pride week, and in June 2019 Canadian delegation to Israel during Beer Sheva's pride week . Each visiting delegation will stay for a week of seminars, tours, roundtable gatherings and personal meetings, getting to know local LGBTQ venues, communities, activities and activism. Following the return of the delegation from Montreal, three virtual meetings will be held during the year in order to preserve the connection and develop possible collaborations.