Visual Displays

Decorations bring a large area alive. You can cover walls, hang mobiles from the ceiling and teach Israel through fun.

If you want to do your own decorations, the group will already need some prior knowledge of the subject (or time for research) and you will need to build a schedule that allows for fun as well as study.

As their madrich you may need the assistance or advice of an art specialist as well as a good grounding in the subject.

Preparation and materials

Please see instructions for folding exhibition.


Regular chugim plus three evenings.


Any age group from 5 to 18, depending on how much preparation you expect them to do!

Planning and Procedure

The process is the same as for a folding exhibition, excluding the full-size plan. We include a sample outline below.


development of modern Israel (choice made in conjunction with general programme) Message - changes and progress in the Land of Israel especially since statehood.


vision of modern Israel from secular to religious

realities facing early Zionists

struggle for statehood

modern Israel from all aspects


three sides of hall, ceiling in school building, community event

Outline plan

Three designs by different groups and mobiles. Design on rolls of brown paper. Freeze one on Zionist vision using water colours and spray paint frame to indicate vision. Second on collage of swamps, kibbutzim, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, congresses and desert and enormous declaration for all to sign. Third with background of ships, planes (each represents a different country of aliya) with some faces and centring on schools, industry, agriculture, etc. Mobiles of lego and others, with machines, exports, using all media, straws, etc, and also faces of well-known Zionists to be hung from ceiling. Mobiles to be done by youngest children.

Your choice will depend on a number of factors:

  1. Aims: how much content you want to put over - a folding exhibition does this better because it makes people come up close to read it and try out things.
  2. Purpose: if you are interested in advance publicity either a permanent folding exhibition to attract and to teach or an enormous poster can be extremely effective.

    If you want it for other purposes afterwards, a laminated folding exhibition is highly portable, teaches and will be suitable for many different populations as a mini-exhibition or as a starter to some other activity.

  3. Resources - this includes time, manpower, materials (detailed below) and you need to know that a folding exhibition is more manpower-intensive, requires greater knowledge or research in preparation...
  4. Facility - how much space there is to fill - a visual display will only be a number of panels because the work is more detailed, and you may have a whole hall to fill... Decorations are also much more dramatic in a large hall.
  5. Location - if you have a display, it may cause traffic jams so the area must be clear if you want large numbers of people to come up close and read.

and so on...

The ideal solution would be to have a display section and to manage to decorate the hall as well!





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