• Thanksgivukka

Israel In Your Community

Celebrating Thanksgivukkah 2Gether in Israel

This was a festive event of ‘historic’ proportions because it was the first time since 1918 that the two holidays fell on the same date (the next time this happens, we won’t be around to celebrate it).

Thirty young people from Detroit and the Partnership region recently gathered together for a festive holiday meal, sitting and celebrating around a full table.  Naturally, they feasted on an assortment of delights, including stuffed chicken and warm Hanukah sufganiyot.  The table was adorned with a fancy hanukiya, which helped create a truly special holiday atmosphere.

Thanksgiving is the most important holiday for Americans because it symbolizes, more than any other, the value of the family and the feeling of gratitude we have for all the good and meaningful things in our lives.


Thus this combined celebration—of these traditional, family oriented holidays—provided us with an outstanding opportunity to enjoy them all together as one family.  We are blessed in this special connection between the family of Detroiters in Israel and the Partnership family – Two Communities / One Future


29 Dec 2013 / 26 Tevet 5774 0
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