The roles and responsibilities of the governing bodies.

1. Board of Governors
The Board of Governors determines the policy of the Jewish Agency for Israel and manages, supervises, controls and directs its operations and activities.
All bodies (other than the Assembly), officers and officials of the Jewish Agency shall act within the policies set by the Assembly and Board of Governors and are accountable to the Board of Governors.
Between meetings of the Assembly, the Board of Governors shall have full power to act for the Agency and may fix policy, provided that its' acts and decisions are not inconsistent with previous decisions or instructions of the Assembly.
2. Assembly
"The Functions of the Assembly:
* To Receive and review budgetary and other reports from the Board of Governors;
* To make recommendations on major issues;
* To determine basic policies and goals of the Agency;
* To adopt resolutions on the above; "
3. Executive
"The Executive shall administer the operations of the Jewish Agency, subject to the control of the Board of Governors. Policies adopted by the Assembly and the Board of Governors shall be implemented by the Executive through the Director General of the Agency under the direction of the Chairperson of the Executive. The Executive shall act as a collective body with collective responsibility."
4. The Office of the Secretary General
The Office of the Secretary General serves as the interface between the members of the Board of Governors and the Assembly, to the Jewish Agency. According to the By-Laws, the Secretary General is responsible to the Chairman of the Board of Governors and the Executive; He serves as secretary of the Assembly, of the Board of Governors and of the Executive; and is responsible for staffing the Assembly, the Board of Governors and its committees and the Executive. In Addition, the Secretary General keeps and maintains official records of the Agency, including the Minutes and Resolutions of the Assembly, the Board and the Executive. The Office of the Secretary General is also responsible for the Jewish Agency By-Laws and the Reconstitution Agreement.



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19 Jan 2014 / 18 Shevat 5774 0