Since it is generally impossible, and not always positive, to analyze all the themes every year, the following list will enable you to select passages of the Haggadah for in-depth study.

  1. Kiddush
  2. Invitation to the needy to partake of the festive meal
    "Ha lachma anya". "This year we celebrate it here, but we hope next year to celebrate it in the land of Israel. This year we are as bondsmen, but next year we hope to be freemen".
    • 'Ma Nishtana' and spontaneous questions. (Audio File 500K)
    • 'Avadim Hayinu', the responses.
    • Stressing of the obligation to narrate the Exodus: "even if we were all wise..."
    • The account of the rabbis in Bnei Berak, exemplifying the joy taken in the narration, which causes people to lose track of passing time.
    • Rabbi Eleazar ben Azariah's contribution regarding the need to tell the story of the exodus daily.
    • The Four Sons. We must reply according to the level of the person who asks the question and not of the person who gives the reply.
    • Discussion as to when one must start narrating the event. A Jewish reply: learn through practice.
  3. The account and the interpretations of "My Father's" service to the Syrian
    Rabbi Yehuda's mnemotechnical rules for the plagues.
  4. The Plagues and acknowledgement of the Divine assistance
  5. Explanation of the symbols of the festivaL... Rabbi Gamliel said...
  6. First part of Hallel and the Redemption Blessings
  7. The invocation of revenge
    This medieval text, possibly from the time of the Crusades, was introduced in all the different rites, perhaps because of the innumerable persecutions suffered by our people. Many take advantage of this passage to analyze the Holocaust, and current events.
  8. End of the Hallel reading
  9. End of the Haggadah and Songs
    Adir bi-Melukha, Ehad mi Yodea, Chad Gadya (the latter without any apparent relation with the festival). These provide us with material for analysis, as well as logical and didactic associations. Their origin goes back to 15th and 16th century songs which describe the Divine triumph in children's language.






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12 Jul 2005 / 5 Tamuz 5765 0