Ashkelon - Baltimore

Ashkelon has been Baltimore sister city since 2003, and not surprisingly, the needs of the vulnerable Jews in Ashkelon are similar to the needs of vulnerable Jews in Baltimore. The two communities has been intimately involved in planning for and meeting those needs together. Planning in both cities happens in parallelwith committees of ץ The sister-city relationship provides a wonderful opportunity for Baltimoreans and Ashkelonim to explore Jewish identity and volunteerism together, bonding with their brothers and sisters overseas about issues of shared concern. Young Ashkelonim come to Baltimore to enjoy the variety of Jewish experiences in this diaspora. Each year, more than 1,000 Baltimoreans visit Ashkelon through The Associated, including teens and young adults, as part of a leadership development program.lay-leaders and professionals meeting once a year to determine mutual priorities.  (from the partnership website