The aim of this activity is to help the students assess the degree to which Israel plays a part in their lives and the those of their families.

  • This exercise should be preceded by homework. Each student should talk to as many individuals as possible among their parents and their grandparents. The central question to be asked is: “how important is Israel for you?” The student should try to find out as much as possible about each individual’s relationship (or non-relationship) with Israel and the things that Israel represents for them. Each individual should be represented on their page by a circle. The more important that Israel is in the person’s life, the larger the circle should be. Inside the circle they should write anything that this person feels draws them towards the idea or the reality of Israel. On the outside of the circle, they should list anything that actually distances them from the country.
  • In class, each student should list the things that draw them to and distance them from Israel. They should then make a page with a circle that represents their connection to the country and add the two lists inside and outside the circle.
  • They should sit in pairs and present this new page to each other, challenging each other with questions to clarify each other’s position on Israel.
  • Ask for a volunteer who is willing to present their family position to the group on the subject. The volunteer should take a few minutes to present their family and its position on Israel as it varies for each of the individuals within it. They should present the family chronologically through the generations, with themselves last.
  • When the individual has finished presenting, ask them if they think that their own position on Israel has been influenced by that of their family. Are there any specific historical events that have influenced their position? Do they expect their position regarding Israel to change in the future? How do they think their feeling for and involvement with Israel will be expressed in the future?
  • Divide the students into pairs and to reflect on the same questions while they present their family story on the subject to their fellow student.
  • Finish by asking the group a series of general questions. Do the members of the group feel that they need Israel? How would their lives be affected if Israel ceased to exist? Do they tend to take Israel for granted? What about their parents and grandparents? Do they take it for granted?






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11 Dec 2006 / 20 Kislev 5767 0