Year/Time Frame



Canaan/Eretz Israel



Jews Elsewhere



Jewish Culture



General History



Late Bronze Age






16th Cent. BCE



Living in Egypt














































































15th Century BCE











































































 14th cent.  BCE



1313 (4)


















The nation formed in Sinai Wilderness






1312 (4)








































13th Cent. BCE



Israelites  in the             Wilderness



            1230 (1)



            1250 (2)



            1280 (3)



















































c. 1250


















Josef becomes Viceroy of Egypt. (1)






Jacob and family in Egypt. (2)































































Canaan falls to Pharaoh.






Hebrews become slaves in Egypt. (3) [a]



Amenophis II revolt in Syria  and Canaan
















































Exodus (5) 600,000 men between 20-60 years old (altogether 2 mil people) [b]












Revelation on Mt. Sinai. (7) [d] G-d gives the torah to the Jewish people. The Tabernacle is erected in the wilderness. [e]
























Exodus according to other sources.






The Stela of Moneptah [c] recalls the Egyptian king having destroyed Israel, a first archeological indication of their presence.



Moses dies (4) Israelites cross Jordan into Canaan.






Philistines settle on coast of Canaan.



Israelite conquest of Canaan Eretz Yisrael appointed to tribes.















































































































































































































Alphabetic writing developed in



N. Canaan (& linear script in Phoenicia) Ancestor of Hebrew writing?












































































































Note early reference to Ya'qub-'al (Jacob?) among Hyksos who govern Egypt.



Egypt: New empire established.



Obelisks some as sundials. Horses used to military advantage in Egypt. Note reference to "horse and rider" in 'Song of the sea" (4. Exod. 15)



First trumpets played in Denmark.



Hittite 24 sign cuneiform alphabet.[c]












Egyptian Empire from Nile to the Euphrates.



Assyria becomes independent.



Hittite laws established.



Crete and Minoan culture destroyed.



Beginning of Brahma rituals in India.



Shang culture in China.






Advanced shipbuilding in Mediterranean/ Scandinavian countries.






At this time Ramses II becomes Pharaoh and inaugurates great building (Abu Simbel). Note reference to Asiatic 'Apires (Hebrews?) who built city of Ramses.



(6 Exodus 1:11)






Phoenicians reach Malta.






1st Chinese dictionary



(40,000 characters)






























Moab and Edom emerge as new political centers.


















Middle Babylonian of Assyrian periods.



Hittite library has tablets in 8 languages






Emergence of Mexican culture.



Destruction of Hittite and Myeaenian kingdoms





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