Tzahali community involvment

In conjunction with the Department for Social Services of Kiryat Gat young women attending Tzahali Academy will volunteer in Kiryat Gat one or two afternoons a week to work with families of children with special needs or senior citizens. There will also a be a number of special projects during the year. Possibilities include a Bat Mitzvah Project for 12 year old girls, Chanukah or Purim parties, helping with building renovation, International day of cleaning, Pesach break, and other ideas that develop. This project will answer a need of the families with children who have disabilities and senior citizens who are in need of volunteers who can help make their lives more pleasent. It also answers a need of the Tzahali participants as by volunteering and community involvement their leadership development will be enhanced through learning responsibility, empowering each individual, and better understanding the diversity of Israeli society.