You-niversity Centers for Excellence

Founded in 1999, Educating for Excellence (E4E) strives to strengthen Israeli society by reducing social gaps and creating equal opportunities for children with potential for excellence who reside within Israel’s social and geographic periphery. E4E operates 40 Educational Excellence Centers nationwide, catering to over 2,500 students. We do so with the active help of over 800 university students who serve as positive role models. E4E believes that an intensive, long-term investment in each student will generate social change on the individual, communal and national levels. The E4E program takes place 4 days a week, 12–16 hours per week, over 10 years between the 3rd – 12th grades - and afterwards in our Alumni Program. Using this model, operating an E4E center in Kiryat Gat will provide a unique and innovative response to the city’s community needs. The innovation is derived from the intense, holistic, long term program E4E offers.