Board of Governors Field Trips

February 18, 2009 / 24 Shevat 5769

Board of Governors 
Site Visits
February 23rd, 2009

Route 1
Connecting to Israel: Connecting to our Future

See first hand the role of Israel in Jewish life as you experience the Education Department's newest innovations in connecting the next generation to its homeland, heritage and people. To help build a richer appreciation of the department's unique educational vision and its signature pedagogical initiatives, come spend an afternoon both 'doing' and 'talking' meaningful Israel engagement in the current age and era.

The afternoon will include:

  • A study-tour in Jerusalem focusing on the richness and complexity of Israel today.
  • An interactive “mifgash” with MASA participants on long-term Israel experience programs.
  • A presentation of the website as an example of using new technologies to impact public discourse on Israel, and a discussion about other new educational initiatives and how they are being received in the field.

Route 2
Saluting Aliyah: Acknowledging Professionals Working Under Fire

On this visit, at the Ashdod Beit Canada Absorption Center, we will meet with Jewish Agency aliyah professionals who spent the weeks of Operation Cast Lead working with over 3,000 of Israel’s newest immigrants living in southern Israel to help them navigate the security crisis. Throughout all our work, and at every step of the recent Operation Cast Lead, the Jewish Agency’s mission remained unchanged: to mobilize our international network of donors and employ our extensive field capabilities to operate a range of supportive services and programs that addressed the immediate and long-term needs in the south

Despite the threat of constant Kassam rockets, our staff provided for the newcomers, ensuring that they knew how to react and taking measures for their safety. Hear about the various therapy programs and respite activities that were implemented to keep the children busy while school was not in session. We will meet with the professional team, immigrant families, and lone immigrant soldiers and hear about their experiences during the war and what they are doing now to continue their successful transition to life in Israel.

Route 3
Partnering with Purpose: A Better Future for Israel’s Young People

The Jewish Agency’s Partnership 2000 (P2K) initiative has become the paradigm for successfully bridging global Jewish communities directly with Israeli communities. This is an extraordinary international platform that is connecting more than 550 communities around the world with Israel. The P2K initiatives are all part of our work to shape a stronger Israeli society—to bridge the gaps that are threatening disadvantaged individuals and communities.

On this visit, we will see the power of this P2K endeavor, a national program that is providing opportunity, leadership to grow, and communities to develop. We will see the Net@ program that is giving hi-tech skills to Israel’s youth at-risk. We will also see the Kiryat Yearim Youth Aliyah Village, where more than 100 underprivileged youngsters are getting a chance to excel at this residential educational facility.

For further information contact:
Michael Jankelowitz,
Liaison to the Foreign Press, Jewish Agency for Israel
Mobile: +972-52-6130220
Voice-mail: +972-2-620-2780 



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19 Feb 2009 / 25 Shevat 5769 0