Converting a Driver's License

A new immigrant can convert a driver's license up to three years from the date of Aliyah.

You can convert your license, if you:

  • hold a valid driver's license issued prior to your Aliyah date
  • have reached the minimum licensing age (17 for private cars)

Olim, Tourists, Temporary Residents and Ezrachim Oleh may drive in Israel using a valid foreign license for one year following their arrival. In the case of multiple entries and exits (for example if a person initially arrives as a tourist and changes status to Oleh), each case will be considered on its merits.


In order to convert your license you must:

1) Obtain a "Tofes Yarok" (form 18) and have an eye test at one of the opticians listed on the website of the Ministry of Transport
Take with you:

  • Teudat Zehut or Teudat Zakaut
  • NIS 40 – 50
  • Glasses or contact lenses if appropriate

2) Fill out and sign the medical declaration on the "Tofes Yarok"

3) Take the form to a family doctor who will complete and sign the medical section of the "Tofes Yarok"

4) Go to one of the main branches of the Licensing Authority. They will stamp your form confirming that you can arrange lessons. If you have medical issues the process may be delayed whilst the Licensing Authority arranges for a medical opinion.
Take with you:

  • Completed "Tofes Yarok"
  • Foreign driver's license + copy
  • Teudat Zehut 
  • Teudat Oleh or Teudat Zakaut

5) Arrange lesson/s and your test with a driving instructor. There is no minimum number of lessons but it's important to be adequately prepared for the test *. Your instructor will give you a form to pay for the test. Cost per lesson – approximately NIS 110 – 125

6) Pay for the test at the Post Office – cost NIS 65

7) Take the test – you will receive notice if you have passed within a day or two.
Take with you:

  • Teudat Zehut or Teudat Zakaut
  • Foreign driver's license
  • Confirmation of payment

Cost: (usage of the instructor's car) NIS 400

8) Go to the Licensing Authority office to get your Temporary License

9) Go back to the Post Office to pay for your Permanent License – cost NIS 92 (standard 2 year license – in certain cases a longer term license may be issued and will cost more – a 5 year license costs NIS 224)

*Note: If you fail the test twice, or if three years have passed since your date of Aliyah, you will be required to redo your license under Israeli law.


Submission of documents to obtain permission to convert a Driver's license is through the main offices of the Licensing Authority:

List of all branches of the licensing authority.