2. The Transference of the Education Budget to the Education Department

1. It has been resolved that from now on the FSU Education Budget will be transferred to the education Department of the Jewish Agency.


2. The transference of the budget to the Education Department will, however, be based on three principles which are essential to assuring the integrity of our operations in the FSU:


A) A clear definition that the main goal of our educational activities in the FSU is Jewish Zionist Education leading towards Aliyah.


B) The FSU Education budget should be a closed, separate line within the Education Department and its level should not be changed or parts of it transferred to other areas of the world. The Board itself will determine every year the level of budget for Educational activities in the FSU.


C) Due to the large-scale service provision nature of our activities in the FSU, the Director General of the Jewish Agency will ensure that the Education Department is capable of implementing the same levels of operation currently maintained by the Jewish Agency in the FSU.




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17 Feb 2005 / 8 Adar 5765 0