Quickies and Challenges: short and longer competitive assignments for Purim


  1. Some of the games below are suitable for up to 8 teams; for others, you will need to give turns to 3 or 4 teams or to have two panels of 4 representatives to play against each other.
  2. Most of the games require :
    crafts materials;
    "musical" utensils/instruments/recordings;
    costume requisites;
    Please make a supply list before you start!
  3. Try to use only one activity of each type [songs, sketches, drawing, speeches...]


  1. Choose a name associated with Purim for each group. The groups have 5 minutes to make a sign with a symbol OR a flag with their emblem [15 pts] and then another 5 mins to make badges for all their members [5 pts].
  2. Each group composes its own theme song to movement on the uniqueness of Purim [music, rap, effects...]. Allow 10 minutes for preparation and keep the presentations going at a good pace [30 pts].
  3. Allow teams 10 minutes to prepare a 2-min. speech: the topic can be anything [serious or not] related to Purim, eg: Haman, the first antisemite; customs of Purim... Each team nominates their speaker. Make a presentation list of teams and topics, pairing them up, so that two speakers will speak simultaneously [do a trial run for the first pair of contestants].

    The rules are that the speakers must complete their task seriously and talk without cracking up for 2 mins [30 pts]. The contest stops when one of them stops or laughs: if someone manages 1 min, allow 20 pts; for 30 secs allow 10 pts. Speakers must face each other and can try to put each other off their stride - so can the audience!

  4. Each team is assigned one Purim song* and kitchen utensils [provide cassettes and songsheets if necessary]. The assignment is to perform a rendition of the song to the accompaniment of the "instruments".
    * Songs:
    Shoshanat Ya'akov

    Leitzan Katan
    Ani Purim
    Chag Purim
    any other songs you know...

  5. Best Handbill Competition Use an expression or verse from the Megillah, like: "And the Jews shall have light and rejoicing, happiness and ..." Score is: best = 20 pts; 2nd best = 15 pts. etc.
  6. Find someone named Mordechai or who has a relation named Mordechai [5 pts].
  7. Make a "Purim Plate" on the basis of the "Seder Plate", to include all the elements of Purim in symbolical representation [30 pts].
  8. Make up a "Four Questions" ["Ma Nishtana"] song about Purim to the same tune used in the Pesach Haggadah [20 pts].
  9. The wittiest line after Four Cups of Wine - 10 pts.
  10. Run a mock lottery.
  11. Drama Improvs. - Guess the Characters
    Use 2-4 Bible characters per scene [each team prepares one scene], suitably costumed. Other teams have to guess who they are [5 pts per character].
  12. The Purim Rabbi

    Each team appoints and costumes their rabbi and helps him or her prepare a one-minute "drasha" on a ludicrous topic associated with Purim. Points are awarded for the one which makes everyone laugh most [15 pts, 10 pts, 5 pts...]

  13. Bonus Ideas Note: Sometimes, one team is leading by an enormous margin and there is another trailing far behind. Even things out a little by stopping the action and setting bonus quickies:
    - team stands on one chair
    - whackiest outfit, hairdo, shoes
    - 3 mins to design a poster-size cartoon, cover for a Megillah
    - lightning map of the Persian Empire
    - "My Purim hero of today" speech, poem, rap...

    If you tried and liked these ideas, please drop us a line. We also welcome your own ideas, if you would like to share them with others.

    Acknowledgement: Reproduced with permission from, Zucher, Yitzhak,
    "Shevet Chagim Gam Yachad: Ideas for the Teacher on How to Create a Variety of Festival Celebrations", Jerusalem.
    Translated and expanded for this file series by Gila Ansell Brauner.





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16 Jun 2005 / 9 Sivan 5765 0