Shabbat Belongs to All of Us

מחרוזת שירים מתוך קבלת שבת עם רינת
In this unit students in the twinned classrooms will examine the topic of Shabbat.

This lesson plan is part of an educational kit containing four key lesson plans and modular monthly questions that invite twinned schools to jointly inquire into issues connected with Jewish holidays and festivals.

This lesson plan may be used on its own as a separate unit, or in conjunction with the other units. In this unit students in the twinned classrooms will examine the topic of Shabbat and send each other film clips of what Shabbat means to them.

Target Audience:
Elementary School, Junior high school, High school

Number of lessons:
1, 2-5, Flexible

Mifgash Type
Exchange ProductsJoint Learning

Educational Standards:
Sense of belonging to the Jewish People

:Created By
Parthership2Gether Hadera-Eiron and Southeast US

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