1. Students should recognize the Ten Days of Repentance as special in the following respects:

  • Examining one's conscience;
  • Improving one's attitude and behavior, even a little;
  • Doing good deeds.

2. Students should know why these days are called Asseret Yemei HaTeshuvah, Bein Kesseh Le'Assor - inscription, decree and confirmation.

3. Student should know the difference between:

(a) Laws dealing with relations between one person and another, and

(b) Laws dealing with relations between man and G-d - and that Yom Kippur does not grant pardon for a wrongdoing against another person, until that person has been asked for forgiveness and agreed to do so.

4. The week between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur should be marked out for specific action. Emphasis should be placed on performing good deeds in practice, rather than merely learning about them in theory.

5. Students should know the changes made in the prayers during Asseret Yemei HaTeshuvah , together with the meaning and significance of the changes.

6. Non-conventional study and practical assignments should offer students the opportunity to improve their behavior, take a more positive attitude to Torah studies in general and to observing Mitzvot , in particular.

7. The bond between students and parents, and between the school and parents, should be strengthened.

8. Students will show greater understanding and love for everything connected with Torah studies and the observance of Mitzvot .





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02 Jan 2006 / 2 Tevet 5766 0