Resource Development Committee

Made up of three subcommittees, the Resource Development Committee focuses on donor development in Israel, planning for mission visits, communications, and publicity and marketing needs for P2G.


One of the flagships of the Partnership is hosting the community members; delegations and individuals in all age groups and exposing them to the Partnership activities and strengthen the people to people connections. The Partnership volunteers meet and host the delegation members in order to achieve the main goal of the partnership – create a strong living bridge between our communities members.

Are you planning a visit to the Western Galilee? Download our Resource Guide and contact Heidi Benish, the Mission and Marketing coordinator at


This committee spreads the word of P2G and its many activities in the Central Area Consortium Communities and the Western Galilee. Our goal is to expand the awareness and to increase the circles of partners, volunteers and supporters for the various projects. Many exciting marketing pieces are available for you on this website located in the Resources. Be sure to connect with us on Facebook: 'Partnershiptogether WesternGalilee' to keep up to date on all that is happening.

Do you have a new idea or thoughts on how we can better connect with people? Contact Heidi Benish at


Our Israeli fundraising subcommittee and our Exclusive Members' Club developed an infrastructure for Israeli fundraising, such as monthly payment from Israeli P2G members and specified one-time donations to partnership programming.

In addition, they focus on:

  • Creating and strengthening new connections in the region
  • Connecting business people, industrialists and entrepreneurs from the WG region and from our communities
  • Show and tell stories of success in the Israeli society


Are you interested in becoming more involved in the Partnership? Please start your connection by contacting your local Federation.



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28 Aug 2014 / 2 Elul 5774 0