1. Summary & Notes
2. Final Discussion
3. Wall Newspaper

1. Summary & Notes

Having touched on and explored so many issues, there may be questions and room for some kind of low key continuation. Inevitably, events will also change perceptions, but in the interim it is recommended to work with facts and a range of perspectives on the upcoming Disengagement. We hope that this will provide for informed opinion and will be ready to take up the challenge of supplementary resources and activity ideas as the situation develops…

There are many questions and analyses in the preceeding activities and also in Points to Ponder [7]. The Final Discussion offers a reminder of some of them, but facilitators are welcome to pick others from the selection, or use their own ideas.

If there is time and need for a continuity activity, we recommend the Wall Newspaper (but not if you have used the Wall Exhibit).

2. Final Discussion

What have we covered?
What have we learned?
What have we experienced?
What do we feel about the reality?
What do we know about the potential outcomes of Disengagement and the aftermath?
What can we do to improve the outcomes?

3. Wall Newspaper

Create a Wall newspaper to summarise, or continue the discussion, over a period of a few days:
Issues can be any of those raised in Sessions 3-5, or the Final Discussion.
Articles can be posted ahead of time, with space for personal reactions, or issues can be raised and the content can be filled entirely by participants.
It is also important to allow space for participants' questions and original ideas, as well as their responses to content material and to each other's writing.

This Activity Idea is courtesy of Charles E. Smith Hartmann Experimental High School, Jerusalem.





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08 Nov 2005 / 6 Heshvan 5766 0