Exercise and Creative Writing, Transparency

1. The First The kiddush is said over the first Kiddush - the Cup - of the four cups; everyone must drink mitzvah of Kiddush at least over half the cup (leaning). declaring the day a holy day.________________________________________________________________________2. The Second a. i. The invitation to guests. Preparations Cup - Ha lachma. [This is the for the bread]. mitzvah of telling the story. Telling ii. The child asks Mah nishtanah. the Story [Why is this night different?] iii. The first answer to the child: Avadim hayinu [We were slaves] iv. The obligation to tell the story [Even if we are all wise] v. The meeting at Bnei Beraq and the story of Rabbi Eliezer. vi. The discussion of the rabbis at the meeting: 'I am as if seventy years old'. vii. The Torah speaks of the four sons. viii. When to relate the story. [From the New Moon?] ix. The second answer to the child: 'Originally our ancestors were idol worshippers'.______________________________________________________________________ b. i. "Go and learn what Laban tried The mitzvah tried to do.' of telling the story of the Exodus. ii. Slavery in Egypt. 'The Egyptians treated us wickedly.' iii. The Exodus. 'G-d brought us out of Egypt.' iv. God punished the Egyptians -- Rabbi Jose the Galilean. v. Pesach, matzah and maror as symbols of the Festival -- 'Rabban Gamliel used to say.'______________________________________________________________________ c. i. The Hallel -- 'Therefore are Thanks and we obliged to thank...' praise to ii. The Blessing of the Redemption -- G-d, 'Who redeemed us and our fathers...' iii. Drink the second cup (leaning).___________________________________________________________________________3. The Third i. Wash hands and bless 'Al netilat yadayim'. Cup netilat yadayim'. The Meal ii. Bless Hamotzi The meal (This itself is a iii. Bless Al akhilat matzah and mitzvah). eat 'the volume of a large olive' (leaning). iv. Bless Al akhilat maror and eat 'the volume of a large olive'. v. Hillel's sandwich -- eat 'volume of a large olive' of matzah (from the bottom one) with 'volume of a large olive' of maror together. vi. Eat the meal. vii. Eat 'volume of a large olive' of matzah from the afikoman. viii. Say Grace After Meals. ix. Drink the third cup (leaning).__________________________________________________________________________4. The Fourth i. Words of vengeance -- Shefokh The Complete Cup - hamatekha. Hallel. Completing the Hallel ii. Praise: Complete 'The Egyptian Hallel' (Psalms 113-119) and 'The Great Hallel' (Psalm 136), Nishmat, and the closing blessing. iii. Drink the fourth cup (leaning). iv. Acceptance: Finish the evening with songs.



1. Visual Aid:

The above table can be made as a transparency or wall chart for reference during study and student use.

2. Research for older students

[Double or triple session]

  • Prepare the above chart and duplicate files 1 and 2 as lists. Mark off the above chart as follows: Section One - 1, 2a; Section Two - 2b; Section Three - 2c; Section Four - 3, 4[i]-[iii]; Section Five - 4[iv].
  • Divide the class or group into five sub-groups, each of which will focus on one section of the Haggadah.
    The assignment is to find the expression of the aims and goals of the Seder in each group's section of the Haggadah. The study can be charted either chronologically or thematically, but all groups must use the same chart format!
    Notes should be written as to the manner in which each goal is achieved or message conveyed, and how successfully this is done.
  • Review. Charts, if large enough, should be hung on the wall. Otherwise, photocopy each group's work for the others.
    1. Which were the most commonly expressed messages/goals?
    2. Which were least commonly found?
    3. Give some outstanding examples of their expression.
    4. Which messages and texts seem most relevant today? Why?
    5. What new elements of the Haggadah and the Seder came to light in this study? [individual responses]

    3. Creative Writing

    [Advance preparation and 2-3 sessions]

    Aims: a. Enhance relevance of the messages of Pesach and the Seder by transference of the context to immediate family and community; b. Enhance the involvement of participants in the Haggadah and the Seder through a creative form of expression.

    Materials: Chart, as above Albums for final version Writing materials Photocopies of family photos or scanner for dtp


    1. Explain that the assignment is to recreate a modern context for the experiences and values in the traditional account by bringing in elements from our own family sagas, from our community's history. Divide group as for exercise, above; go through the structure of the traditional Haggadah before they split up to work.
    2. Groups should have time to discuss how they are going to start some advance preparation in their own families. Below are some ideas for different sections of the Haggadah, based on the use of parallels.

      Avadim hayinu - A story about our own families escaping to freedom, seeking a new life
      The four sons - The different choices made by our families/ communities under different circumstances. Find four options, if possible
      Dilemmas and controversy in the community about future challenges and how to respond to them.
      Slavery - Survival in difficult times.
      Hallel - Expressions of thanks and gratitude
      Songs - Compose your own songs; bring traditional family melodies, anecdotes...
      and so on...

    3. Two sessions for creative writing, plus an editorial meeting to finalize layout.
    4. Production, duplication.
    5. Review, presentation to other groups [selections only!]...




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20 Jul 2005 / 13 Tamuz 5765 0