NAME:              MOSES

Name:  Moses, son of Amram and Yokheved
Date of Birth:  Adar 7
Place of Birth: Egypt
Date of Death:  Adar 7
Place of Burial:  Unknown!

Geographical-Historical Background


The Biblical account of Moses' leadership focuses on the following topics:

  1. Moses' character before he was chosen to lead
  2. Moses as G-d's agent in effecting the Redemption
  3. Moses as statesman, military leader, and legislator
  4. The leader and his people
  5. The people and their leader
  6. Moses, "most humble of all men"

Our discussion will focus on the following three topics:

  1. Moses' character development prior to being chosen leader;
  2. Moses' uniqueness - the leader and his people
  3. Human relations - Moses, 'the most humble of all men'




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05 Jul 2005 / 28 Sivan 5765 0