Pluralistic Prayer at the Kotel

Whereas four years ago Prime Minister Netanyahu asked Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky to convene the pluralistic movements of worldwide Jewry to address the challenges of pluralistic prayer at the Kotel; and

Whereas the Jewish Agency thanks the Prime Minister and appreciates his leadership in boldly seeking a resolution to the challenge of pluralistic prayer at the Kotel; and

Whereas Natan Sharansky in convening these movements introduced the concept of "one Wall for One People"; and

Whereas the concept of "One Wall for One People" led to a three and a half year process of negotiation between the Conservative Movement, the Reform Movement and Women of the Wall with the guidance, participation and support of the Jewish Federations of North America and the Jewish Agency with the Prime Minister's Office of the Government of Israel: and

Whereas those negotiations successfully concluded late fall 2015 with all parties agreeing to the recommendations of the Advisory Team for the issue of Prayer at the Western Wall, including an amendment to the Regulations for the Protection of Holy Places to the Jews; and

Whereas January 31, 2016 the government of Israel accepted and approved these recommendations and regulations by a vote of 15:5; and

Whereas the implementation of these recommendations and regulations have been delayed sixty days, then twenty-one days and remain unimplemented to this day increasing the tension and impatience of world Jewry around the Kotel;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Jewish Agency directs its Chairman Natan Sharansky to communicate to the Prime Minister of Israel and his advisors its expectation that the agreed recommendations and Regulations be implemented immediately and in full.



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31 Jul 2016 / 25 Tamuz 5776 0