THE PARTNERSHIP by Bracha Week in Review: Oct.19 -26, 2018 / Heshvan 10-17, 5779

SAVE the DATES: Communities Council: January 27-29, 2019 in NW IN and The Summit: July 14-16, 2019 in South Bend, IN


Register today for the Council of Communities happening January 27-29, 2019 in Northwest, IN

Summit: July 14-16, 2019 in South Bend, IN

Congratulations to our own Harold Gernsbacher who has begun his new role as Treasurer of JFNA!

Celebrated 70 years for the State of Israel and the ties with the Jewish Communities at the GA in Tel Aviv!!! The first GA was in 1932 and this was the first one in Tel Aviv. The Prime Minister, the President and MANY impressive speakers joined us at the GA whose theme was LET'S TALK! Representatives from Buffalo, Dayton, Indianapolis, NW IN, Omaha and the Western Galilee represented the Partnership at the GA. Our Budapest connection was featured at  Round Table discussions in the P2G session.

An intense three days of lots of opportunities for connecting to our Partnership friends through sessions together, coffee together, lunch together, dinner together, chocolate together,  late night drinks together.... Michelle joined us on Facetime, telephone and whatsapp.

Boogey Herzog, the new JAFI Chair proposed that JAFI will promote the learning of our revitalized ancient language of Hebrew for all Jews everywhere. Interesting? Interested?

Download the Council of Communities flyer here. To our Execs, P2G staff, Committee chairs and communities' lay leaders - PLEASE sign up!! At this meeting we will discuss plans for the 2019-2020 program year and approve our budget. This is the time for giving input, discussions and planning for our future!  The Management reps and Committee chairs from the Western Galilee will be there. Reps from Indianapolis, San Antonio and South Bend have already registered. JOIN US!! 

The Women Leading a Dialogue began their communities' tour this week and are completing a warm and embracing visit in Ft Wayne - Follow them on Facebook. Today they move on to South Bend. 

Our Academic chairs, Marcy Paul and Jenan Fahed Fallach are working on an evaluation of the WLD which will enable all of us to understand in depth the impact of the program on the participants and communities. 

Planning for next week's visit of 80-some visitors from Buffalo! Monday we will welcome them with songs and dancing in Akko before they head to home hospitality. Wednesday we will welcome the JWRP women from Omaha, if you are not in the Western Galilee next week you will be missing a lot of fun!

The Israel Committee Chairs are available to visit communities before or after the Communities Council - Efrat Srebro, Noa Tenne, Idan Zakkai, Toni Ziv, Dr. Sami Tobias, Jenan Fallach, Tania Ronen, Albert Ben Shloush, Judy Yuda and Bracha will be coming. PLEASE let us know if you would like to invite one of us to your community!

Shabbat Shalom,





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26 Oct 2018 / 17 Heshvan 5779 0