Child Allowance or Kitzbat Yeladim is a small sum of money, paid monthly to eligible families according to the number of minor children in the family

The National Insurance Institure (HaMossad LeBituach Leumi) pays a child allowance to families living in Israel with children aged under 18.

In most cases the payment is automatic, with Olim having their details passed to the NII by the Ministry of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption following their Aliyah. It is recommended to make sure that the money is in fact going into your bank account however and to be proactive in the event that payments are not made.

The allowance is paid on the 20th of each month.

The allowance was updated retroactively in 2015. Families should receive an additional payment in December 2015 containing the retroactive portion of the assistance.

Allowance rates for children born after May 31st 2003:

Child number Additional allowance for that child Total
1 NIS 150 NIS 150
2 NIS 188 NIS 338
3 NIS 188 NIS 526
4 NIS 188 NIS 714
5 or more NIS 150  


Allowance rates for children born up to May 31st 2003:


Child number Additional allowance for that child Total
1 NIS 150 NIS 150
2 NIS 188 NIS 338
3 NIS 188 NIS 526
4 NIS 336 NIS 862
5 or more NIS 354  


A link to a calculator (in Hebrew) is provided to check your eligibility and the retroactive sum that you should receive.




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09 Dec 2015 / 27 Kislev 5776 0