From Exodus chapters 12 and 13:

9. Cessation of hamets.
10. Eating of matsah.
11. Not to have hamets in one's possession on Pesach.
12. Not to eat anything containing hamets on Pesach.
19. Not to eat hamets on Pesach, namely from the five types of corn.
20. No hamets of ours to be seen on Pesach.

From Exodus chapter 23

88. Hagigah sacrifice.

From Leviticus chapter 23:

293. To abstain (from certain activities) on the first day of Pesach.
298. Not to perform certain activities (similar to Sabbath) on the first day of Pesach.
299. To offer an Additional Public Offering (musaf) all seven days.
300. To abstain (from certain activities) on the seventh day of Pesach.
301. Not to perform certain activities (similar to Sabbath) on the seventh day of Pesach.

From Deuteronomy chapter 16:

488. To enjoy the festivals.
489. Festival pilgrimage.

The following are connected with the Pesach sacrifice:


There are thirty-six commandments in the Torah connected with the day before Pesach and the seven days of the Festival.

There are also a further thirty-one commandments on various matters that are connected with or result from the Exodus from Egypt, such as the laws of the other festivals, civil laws (matters affecting relationships with other people), religious laws (affecting relationships between man and God), and laws that separate Israel from other nations.

In total, sixty-seven commandments are connected with remembering the Exodus from Egypt.





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05 Jan 2006 / 5 Tevet 5766 0