Ancient altar excavated at Tel Be'er Sheva: In Biblical times, there seemed to be much religious/sacrificial activity going on in the city, as it was situated on a well travelled east-west route. It was a likely choice for Abraham to settle there naming it after the ceremony  of the oath between himself and the King of Gerar (Genesis 21: 22-34). Later, Isaac remained there as well (Genesis 26:23). Jacob also stopped there on his way to Egypt to bring sacrifices (Genesis 46:1-5), and it was also a stopping point for Elijah the Prophet when fleeing from Jezebel Kings I 19:3).

Aerial view of Tel Be'er Sheva. Artifacts from this archaeological mound point to an Israelite (and later Jewish) community which remained in the city until the later part of the Roman period. Throughout the Bible, Be'er Sheva was considered the southernmost border of Israel/Judea, as it is stated, "From Dan unto Be'er Sheva" (Judges 20;1 / Samuel I 3;20 / Samuel II 3;10, 17;11, 24;2,5...)








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