The Arab conquest of 638 CE actually brought with it a revival of the Jewish presence in Jericho. A Jewish "tribe" which was expelled from Arabia settled in Jericho. The "ancient" synagogue of Jericho (with a very intact mosaic floor) is thought to date back to this time. Depicted here is part of the Mosaic floor inside the ancient Jericho Synagogue. The inscription on the bottom reads "Shalom Al Yisrael" or "Peace unto Israel".
Aerial view of Tel as-Sultan, the archaeological mound containing the remnants of Jericho from the Neolithic Period (8000 BCE) through the end  of Persian rule in Israel (330 BCE). Included in the remnants are artifacts dating to the time of the conquest of Jericho by Joshua and the Israelites (Joshua 6).

Besides Joshua's conquest of Jericho, the city is mentioned in the Bible in other contexts as well: Chiel, who lived in the time of King Ahab, rebuilt the city of Jericho. During the course of the construction, he buried all of his sons, (Kings I 16:34 just as was "promised" by Joshua when he placed a curse in God's name on anyone who would rebuild Jericho (Joshua 6:26). Elisha, the prophet sweetened the water in Jericho (Kings II 2:1-22); When Zedekiah, the King of Judea, flees Jerusalem, he and ends up being captured by the Babylonians in the Jericho area (Kings II 25;5 and Jeremiah 39;5).


Remnants of the City Tower of the Neolithic period, dating back to 7000 BCE or earlier









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