6. Resolution


The Peripheral Settlement that was created by the help and generosity of the Jewish Agency was the leading factor in forming and setting the borders of the country for years.

There was a multi-year agreement between the Jewish Agency and the Settling Movements that was approved by the Board of Governors and that expires at the end of the year 2004.


The Israel Committee sees in the continued development of the Periphery a vital factor in the continued existence and prosperity of the State of Israel.

Therefore it has been duly resolved that:

The following recommendations of the Israel Committee be acknowledged by the Board of Governors and be referred to the Strategic Planning Committee to be considered in the final framework of the Strategic Plan, and to be referred to the Board in its next meeting:

The Israel Committee calls on the Jewish Agency to continue the following activities as was done within the Galil Negev Program:

1. Strengthening the education of Periphery inhabitants.

2. Activities to strengthen the Society and Aliyah absorption in the Periphery.

3. Expanding and developing the Settlements and the population in the Periphery.

4. Preparing programs to create new jobs and to better the wages in the Periphery.

The department requests that the Agency consider in October to allow an amount of $5 Million annually for the next 10 years in order to act upon the recommendations above.




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17 Feb 2005 / 8 Adar 5765 0