3. The Role of the Jewish Agency for Israel in Strengthening the Galilee and the Negev

Whereas The State of Israel faces demographic, social, economic and security challenges of substantial import to Israeli society and the Jewish People as a whole;
and whereas The Galilee and the Negev comprise most of the area of the State of Israel and at the same time pose a high demographic and geographic risk, as reflected in a decline in Jewish population and the emergence of complex land challenges;
and whereas The Galilee and the Negev are characterized by declining socioeconomic status, sparse and weak market forces and unrealized development potential;
and whereas The Jewish Agency for Israel (hereinafter: "JAFI") possesses extensive experience, knowledge and a tradition of activity, development and advancement of the Galilee and Negev Regions, including the absorption of immigrants.
It has been duly resolved that:

The following recommendations of the Negev and Galilee Task Force be acknowledged by the Board of Governors and be referred to the Strategic Planning Committee to be considered in the final framework of the Strategic Plan, and to be referred to the Board in its next meeting:

1. The JAFI Board of Governors (hereinafter: the "Board") hereby reassumes its role in promoting development of the Galilee and the Negev, for the well being of all residents of these Regions, as an active partner of the Israeli Government, the National Institutions, the third sector and all other relevant bodies.

2. The Board hereby adopts expansion of the Jewish population of the Galilee and the Negev as an important JAFI principle, to be implemented through the Israel Department with emphasis on coming generations. It will strive for encouragement of entrepreneurship and job creation, development, with the appropriate departments of JAFI, of special immigrant absorption programs, promotion of educational and R&D centers, advancement of science and technology, participation in physical and community planning efforts derived from the program's goals and in activities to promote, market and publicize the program.

3. In keeping with the principles of this resolution, JAFI will place special emphasis on coordination of its activities among all relevant Departments and units (Israel, Immigration and Absorption, Education, etc.).

4. JAFI will rally the support of its global partners - The World Zionist Organization, the UJC and Keren Hayesod - and thereby increase the likelihood of this vital endeavor's success.

5. JAFI will require beneficiaries of its monetary, organizational and other contributions to assist in detailed planning, implementation, monitoring, control and introduction of required improvements in the Reinforcement and Development Program for the Galilee and the Negev.

6. JAFI and its affiliates will work in context of a master plan to serve as a convenor and a catalyst in coordination with the Israeli Government, local authorities, philanthropic organizations in Israel and throughout the world, the business community, volunteer organizations, schools, research institutes, cultural organizations and all other bodies applying themselves to strengthening the Negev and the Galilee.




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17 Feb 2005 / 8 Adar 5765 0