3. Resolution Presented to the Board of Governors by the FSU Committee

WHEREAS the adoption of the 2005 JAFI strategic plan envisages a new organizational structure based on three mission departments and six world-wide regional entities, and

WHEREAS it is the objective of JAFI to recognize the distinctive character of FSU Jewry, the unique opportunities for encouraging Aliyah, and the special obligation to reinforce programs of Jewish Zionist Education and Culture, Jewish Identity and kinship with Israel,

THEREFORE LET IT HEREBY BE RESOLVED that the FSU and EE Department be transformed into an office for the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. The office will be responsible, inter alia for the following tasks and functions:

a) The coordination of all JAFI activity in the FSU
b) The coordination of JAFI's overall policy for the FSU
c) Representing JAFI to all other bodies in Israel dealing with the FSU
d) Planning policy regarding JAFI assets and physical facilities in the FSU
e) Planning the policy of positioning JAFI in the FSU
f) Coordinating research in all areas of the FSU
g) Coordinating all legal and political issues which require JAFI's involvement, relating to the FSU

BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the FSU Committee of the Board of Governors will be strengthened by incorporating the lay and professional leadership of the Aliyah and Klitah and Jewish-Zionist Education Committees in its meetings and that in turn the FSU Committee and staff will have representation in the relevant committees of those departments.




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13 Dec 2005 / 12 Kislev 5766 0