1. Students should know what the Seder is:
    (a) What is on the Seder plate, and why?
    (b) Which special mitzvot are observed on Seder Night?
    (c) The mnemonic poem for the Seder;
    (d) The four basic parts of the Seder: kiddush, narration, meal, Hallel;
    (e) The main themes told in the section of 'tell them to your child.
  2. Students should appreciate the position and importance of the Seder within the overall context of the festival of Pesach.
  3. The festival of Pesach overall, and the Seder in particular, represent the celebration of our independence as a free people who went out from slavery to freedom, and from dependence to redemption.
  4. This occasion is not celebrated with trumpets, marches and parades, but within the nuclear, or wider family.
  5. The central theme of the Seder Night is the story of the people of Israel as handed on to the younger generation for thousands of years – a story which emphasises the slavery and bitterness of life, but at the same time the dignity of Israel and its choice by G-d as His own people at the Assembly at Mt. Sinai.
  6. The festival retains its meaning in every generation: In every generation, each person is obligated to see himself/herself as having personally come out of Egypt.





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05 Jan 2006 / 5 Tevet 5766 0