Professional Licensing Information

The Ministry of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption's has recently launched a mini-site with information about professions requiring licensing including the possibility of checking your eligibility for a license before your Aliyah

In order to ease the process for potential immigrants to receive professional licenses to practice in Israel in professions that require a license, the Ministry of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption has established a website dedicated to the licensing procedures required for licensing professions according to the demands of Israel. 

Additionally, the Ministry of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption,  in cooperation with the Ministries of Health, Education, and Economy,has initiated  an inter-ministerial network that allows practitioners in regulated professions to begin the administrative process even prior to Aliyah.

In order to avoid any doubt, exploration of eligibility is in principle only, in order to check the likelihood that an applicant would be able to pass the licensing procedures in Israel, and does not replace the investigation procedures conducted in Israel after Aliyah.

Following Aliyah, and upon presentation of a te’udat oleh/zehut individuals who receive authorization in principle as explained can commence the required licensing procedures.

Click here to access the website

Click here for information on medical licensing