• Antisemitism
  • Arafat and the Terror Record
  • Contemporary Terror and Victims
  • Core Issues in the Conflict
  • Media
  • US Policy Considerations






New Survey: Aliyah from



New Survey


Aliyah from has doubled in the past 15 years. Results of a recently published survey, "The Jews of

France, Values and Identity," reveal that 6 percent said they would make aliyah "very soon" double the

percentage of the last survey in 1988. That number was 12 percent among families with school-age

children, and 28 percent among families with children attending Jewish schools. These figures were

confirmed Jewish Agency data, which showed that aliyah from France doubled in 2002 to more than

2,500. On the other hand, percent of respondents said they had no intention of moving to Israel, up

from 40 percent in 2002.


Muslims, Jews and the 11 September the British Case



Robert Wistrich


Up-to-date survey of fomentation, motives, friction and the causal connection to antisemitic

violence and sentiment from Muslim groups in the UK, with a direct connection from the centre

to terrorist training camps.


Burning Synagogues



Review & Outlook Editorial
The Wall Street Journal [Opinion] Thursday April 4, 2002


Call for French moral standards: for denunciation of & action on French Antisemitism by the

gov't, especially given Europe's antisemitic history. Sharp criticism of Israel's action against

Arafat is not balanced by condemnation of suicide bombings, and smacks of blaming the Jews.



Arafat and the Terror Record



60 Minutes: The Arafat Papers [his link with Iran and Iraq]

Tuesday, October 1, 2002

Rumors about links between the PA, and international terror groups have always been denied by Yasser Arafat and dismissed in the western media as propaganda designed to discredit Arafat. A recent CBS 60 Minutes segment reveals some of the secret documents captured by Israeli soldiers from Arafat’s compound in Ramallah during their recent operation there earlier in the year. The documents not only implicate Arafat as being directly involved, but they also show just how much of a part the terror network plays in PA politics.



Contemporary Terror and Victims



Why Arafat?



Joseph Farah
WorldNetDaily.com, Wed, Apr 3, 2002


Wanton slaughter of Christians continues at Arafat's orders; US support gives him credence,

while contributions maintain this regime of persecution & terror.



The Cancer of Suicide Bombing



[registration required to view article]

The New York Times, Wed, Apr 3, 2002


Call to denounce suicide bombing. Exposes it as twisted logic, a danger to free societies; its

continuation is an abdication of leadership responsibility to Palestinian citizens by Arafat & the



Suicidal Lies



[registration required to view article]

Thomas L. Friedman
The New York Times March 31, 2002


Palestinians are testing a new form of warfare - not acting 'out of desperation"' - a 'strategic

choice' to destroy. Israel 'needs to deliver' a blow; US should stand strong on terror,

sympathizers and talks.


Arafat's War



Fouad Ajami
The Wall Street Journal Saturday, March 30, 2002


Incitement creates & feeds menace of suicide bombers as a culture; Arafat and the PA laud

affliction & prone radicalism. Arafat does not govern or build, except a war instrument to hurt and

 combat Israel




Core Issues in the Conflict



The Road Map
        I: International All, Nothing or Something?
       II: Update: Hopes and Fears

The Road Map
Gila Ansell-Brauner

The process behind the Middle East Road Map and its content come together in the context of Allied victory over Saddam Hussein. Explore the motives, the mechanisms and the content together in this series, with perspectives from reputable sources; analyze and reflect on the main issues in our Forum.






Who Killed Muhammad Al-Dura?



Amnon Lord
6 Av 5762 / 15 July 2002


Muhammad Al-Dura, the child who became the symbol of the Al Aksa Intifada, was not killed by

IDF gunfire at Netzarim junction, according to an inquiry by the German ARD television network.

The Palestinians, in cooperation with foreign journalists and the UN, arranged a well-staged




Palestinian Voices: A Deep Despair



[registration required to view article]

Photo Essay by Erge Schmemann and Ruth Fremson
July 14th, 2002


Based on the title, one might expect to find an article highlighting Palestinian suffering in an

attempt to provide a "balanced" picture of the conflict between Israel and the PA. It's not.

Instead, this person-on-the-street slide show shows primarily a segment of Palestinian society

frustrated by the current situation. And while they find fault with Israel's actions, they are also

frustrated and angered by Arafat's actions and PA corruption. It's hard to tell, however, how much

of the society they represent.



What Did You Do While
Was Destroyed?



David Pearlmutter


David Pearlmutter, Associate Professor at Louisiana State University and senior fellow at the

Reilly Center for Media & Public Affairs raises a number of questions we should be asking

ourselves about our own actions (or lack thereof) during this most crucial period in Israel's

history. As much as the media may be to blame, the real causes behind Israel's lack of positive

media position may be closer to home than we care to think. The ultimate question we have to

answer, however, is expressed in the headline


An Impossible Occupation



Scott Anderson
New York Time Magazine, May 12, 2002


Scott Anderson puts us in the center of the conflict, both military and moral, facing Israeli

soldiers during Operation Defensive Shield. A group of Israeli reservists from an elite IDF

paratrooper squad, whose personal political opinions run the gamut from left to right, struggle to

carry out their objective of flushing out terrorist while preventing unnecessary casualties or

damage to Palestinian property. An insightful and very important article. (note: If you do not

subscribe to the NYTimes online you must register to read this article)



Journalistic License: Professional Standards in the Print Media's Coverage of Israel



Jeff Helmreich
Jerusalem Letter / Viewpoints, 15 August 2001


A highly detailed analysis of mis-translation and deliberate omissions of Palestinian

broadcasting by western electronic media, from TV to press. Also the blurring of report and

opinion distinctions in judgmental writing. Extends to journalistic patterns of identification with

the Palestinian cause, thus blaming Israel, while ignoring terrorism and previous core issues.

Urges professional critique, focusing on errors as the only acceptable input to newspapers. Well



Truth About Israeli Casualties is Being Ignored in this War



Barbara Amiel
The Daily Telegraph 15/04/2002


Press reports ignore context: the deliberate incitement to terror and shielding of terrorists in

civilian population, as well as facts and names. The UK press ignores heavy Israeli casualties,

offering anecdotal "spoilt kids" travails and Goebbels- style propaganda, especially Paulin's

slander and Clark's inaccuracies. The EU is noxious - fearing terror at home, their immigrants'

reactions, oil supply problems; together with left newspeak and the misplacing of the underdog,

they are also anti-US. If no real peace is offered by the Arabs, the possible outcomes are


This War Tells Us More about Europe than the
Middle East



Mark Steyn
The Daily Telegraph 14/04/2002


The international establishment, France, Norway has a proven track record of being wrong - will

the US join them? Arab interests discourage PA denunciation of terror; problems with Israel

delay the US attack on Iraq and terror linked to Saudi Arabia. The victories in the war of terror

come via the media and violence the French government won't address. Muslim violence

worldwide is ignored; Europe is bent on appeasement.


Did Journalists Help Palestinian Fugitives Escape?



James Taranto
The Wall Street Journal's Best of the Web Today


Good review of biased journalism.



The Media's Giant Error - It's Tiny
that Faces a Pitiless Goliath



Thomas J. Bray
The Wall Street Journal Apr 2, 2002


Well set-out examples of biased TV reporting and focus




US Policy Considerations




Israel's War is America's War Too



James Taranto
The Wall Street Journal's Best of the Web Today

Identity of interests and concerns Israel-US


Bush's Mideast Charade



[registration required to view article]

William Safire

The New York Times October 25, 2001


The Bush administration knows full well that Israel cannot turn the other cheek when one of its

cabinet ministers is assassinated


Don't Feed Israel To The Beast



Debra J. Saunders
San Francisco Chronicle October 7, 2001

Bin Laden would be there, even if Israel did not exist; no appeasement of mass murderers; without US support, Israel would have to defend itself to the last person; the free world must

prevail. If not, terror will go on to its next target






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