Israel In Your Community

A Warm Welcome to the New P2G Israel Chair, Michael Aaronson

My name is Michael Aaronson

My name is Michael Aaronson, I am 60 years old and I live in Moshav Regba. I was born in London England and made aliyah with my family in 1963 when I was 10 years old. Our family emigrated to Israel out of Zionism directly to Regba, my father become a farmer in the orange groves. I joined the army in 1972 and served in the special forces (I was wounded in combat but fully recovered). After my service I spent some months on security services in Africa and returned to Israel in 1977.


I studied in the Hebrew University Agronomy (The faculty of Agriculture in Rehovot) and graduated in 1980. I married Ilana in 1980 and after a 6 months backpacking trip to the far east we settled down back in Regba. I managed the orchards of Regba (avocados) and in 1986 went to study Business management, graduating 1988. I was appointed "Farm manager" of Regba 1988 and did that for 4 years. From there I started a new career in industry and was appointed VP of Operations in the Regba Kitchens Furniture Factory. In 1997 I was appointed general manager of the factory and did that for 9 years. During that period I was an active in the national organizations that dealt with issues of government policies regarding taxation, quotas etc.

In 2008 I was appointed general manager of Lachmi, a company that produces premium cakes, cookies and other pastries in Nahariya. Lachmi is part of the group of companies that was previously owned by Stef Wertheimer and then sold to the Wissotzky Tea group who supplies both to the Israeli markets and exports to over 20 countries around the world under the brand Elsa's Story.

A job I am still doing today.

I have 4 children (30, 28, 25, 21 years) and my wife, Ilana, is an interior designer.

I am active on several Boards: a member of the board of Hiram (a rehabilitation center for mentally unstable young people), a member of the board of Thermovak (a start-up innovation in the area of insulation), and a member of the board of Regba Holdings.

06 Jan 2014 / 5 Shevat 5774 0
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