Faluga pocket

As part of the project, the residents of Kiryat Gat and surrounding areas will be exposed to the heroic story of the "Company of God", a battle that took place in the Kiryat Gat region during the birth of the state. Until now the story has not received its proper place in the pages of history. The project in three pronged. 1) The residents will take part in combat heritage tours. 2) They will be integrated into the project of "Documenting life stories of the fallen soldiers during that battle". 3) the residents of the area will be given the opprtunity to "rewrite" their own regional story: No longer a collection of people who have been forced into a godforsaken town in the periphery, but a strong and cohesive community that is connected to its roots and draws the inspiration and the strength from its past allowing them to cope with any challenge.