1. Laws and customs according to the Sefer Hakhinukh.
    5. Slaughtering of the Pesach sacrifice. (Exodus 12:21,24)
    22. To destroy hamets on the fourteenth of Nisan (Exodus 12:15).
    89. Not to slaughter the Pesach while there is hamets in one's possession. (Exodus 23:18).
    485. Not to eat hamets after mid-day the day before Pesach (Deut. 16:3).
  2. The night before Pesach (i.e. the fourteenth, at the end of the thirteenth day of Nisan) there is the search for hamets and the rejection. (Ownership is rejected of any not found, which is declared to be ownerless and worthless and considered as dust and rubbish.)
  3. The morning before Pesach (the fourteenth) any remaining hamets is burned.
  4. Matsah is not eaten at all on the fourteenth. (Some observe a custom of not eating any from the first of Nisan.)
  5. Hamets may be eaten on the day before Pesach (the fourteenth) only uptil 'a third of the day' (a fixed time that varies year by year but usually between nine and ten in the morning).
  6. Any hamets that you do not wish to destroy must be sold to a non-Jew. (there is a special procedure in the selling, which is usually arranged through the rabbi.)
  7. Ordinary utensils that have been used during the year can sometimes be koshered for Pesach by one of three methods, depending on the type of utensil: scalding (in boiling water), or heating until red-hot (metals), or soaking. Some utensils cannot be koshere d





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05 Jan 2006 / 5 Tevet 5766 0